If you have a basement or crawl space that floods when there are heavy rains or if dampness is a problem, a sump pump can help. Pipe Works Services can help you install a sump pump system that will be reliable for years, preventing damage to your home and property, and requiring need minimal attention once it is installed. A good sump pump will– trigger automatically when water is present and have adequate horsepower and sufficient head pressure. The more water, the higher the horsepower required. A sump pump with 1/4 to 1/2 horsepower is typical. Head pressure should equal the lift (in feet) required to drain the water. drain outside to an approved drain or above ground, a few feet away from any building comply with any local codes and community regulations have a gasket cover to prevent radon leakage ( if radon is present) provide deep-cycle battery backup or a water-powered backup to keep your pump running even when the power is out to connect directly to a GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) outlet – never into a cord Your choice of sump pump and the installation should be considered carefully. Pipe Works Services can help you choose the right size and model pump and make the installation go smoothly. The sump pump will need to sit inside a liner or tub (see illustration) below the floor surface. Your basement floor may already have an area like this; if not, some excavation may be necessary. Our Plumbing services can handle all these details, check your electrical, and make sure the sump pump drains properly. Once installed, routine inspection and testing will ensure it is operating properly and ready for action when the time comes. Call Pipe Works Services for more information on how to keep your home comfortable and safe with a new sump pump. Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide. Pipe Works Services serves Chatham, NJ, and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website.

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