Professional Indoor Air Quality Services in Short Hills
Many people underestimate the importance of indoor air quality. In truth, the air you breathe every day can have a huge impact on your health and well-being. For example, if the air contains allergens such as pollen, pet hair or mold, those substances could trigger allergic reactions. If you find yourself frequently battling irritated eyes and airways, then allergies could be the cause.
One of the things that residential air quality services help you to do is balance moisture content inside your home. Air that is too dry can irritate eyes and skin. On the other hand, damp air can encourage mold growth. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers can add or subtract moisture from the air to make the water vapor content just right.
The first step is for a professional to carry out an air quality assessment. This gives you information about the current state of the air in your home. Once this has been done, we can recommend solutions to improve the air quality. For example, we might suggest using an air purification system to remove contaminants from the air.
Whole-home air purification systems are a very convenient solution. They get rid of even the tiniest pollutants from the air, including microbes and potentially harmful gases. They also remove lingering smells, such as those associated with cooking, pets or tobacco use. If you are worried about the effects of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), then rest assured that these can also be removed.