Well, water and tap water can become contaminated at any time without your knowledge. Only through testing can you be assured of a continued supply of clean, safe water. Many state and federal authorities recommend private wells be tested at least once a year to ensure the continued safety of the water. Keep your drinking water safe!
We will take a sample of your water and send it to a state-certified, independent water laboratory, Clean Water Testing, LLC, which serves well owners, businesses, and water professionals.

Clean Water Testing, a Wisconsin lab with state certification since 1985, can test your water for the most common contaminants found in local wells, such as bacteria, nitrates, and arsenic. We can also test for any number of other contaminants, including Volatile Organic Chemicals (petroleum and solvent contamination).

Email us for your FREE water analysis appointment at info@pwsnj.com or call (973) 657-5771

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