No matter where we live or what our financial status might be, we’re all looking for energy savers around our homes. To get you started, we’ve compiled several tips that you can begin utilizing in your northern New Jersey home to save energy right away:
- Evaluate your system – A great way to keep your cooling equipment working well is to schedule a professional assessment each year to check for air leakage, poor insulation, and other potential problems that hurt energy efficiency.
- Switch off, or turn down, the A/C during the day – If you’re not at home, there’s no need to run your air. A programmable thermostat will allow you to set specific times of operation.
- Switch out your lightbulbs – A quick, inexpensive way to save energy is to change out all of your standard bulbs with fluorescent models that use a fraction of the energy.
- Look for tax credits and rebates – There are often tax credits and rebates available if you purchase energy-efficient HVAC equipment. These discounts will help offset the higher prices of these more efficient units.
- Clean air filters – If the HVAC filter is dirty, it will reduce your system’s efficiency and cost you more money. Check the filter monthly and change it when it looks dirty.
- Use appliances at night – Your A/C unit is already working hard to keep you cool during the day, and running heat-producing appliances like your oven, dryer or dishwasher means it will need to work even harder.
- Turn on your fans – Ceiling fans provide a wind-chill cooling effect, allowing you to turn up the thermostat a few degrees without affecting comfort. Just remember to turn them off before you leave the room.
- Shut your blinds – Blocking sunlight from entering your home will cut down on your need to cool the home.
- Disconnect gadgets and appliances – Certain devices such as microwave ovens and cellphone chargers use energy by simply being plugged in, whether you use them or not. Time to pull the plug on these energy vampires.
To learn more about energy savers, or other home comfort concerns, please contact the experts at Pipe Works Services We’ve been serving the HVAC needs of Northern New Jersey since 1988.