Updated: July 2024

The ideal humidity level in your home varies according to the temperature outdoors. When the air is colder outside, your indoor humidity can be much lower than during warmer temperatures. For most homes, the ideal humidity is between 30 and 50 percent. The best way to maintain ideal relative humidity is with a whole-house humidifier. A whole-house humidifier can regulate the humidity of your entire house, without creating pockets of too-humid air, or pockets of too-dry air.

Seasonal Adjustments for Your Humidifier

Since the ideal humidity level changes depending on outdoor temperature, you can set your humidifier to a new setting every day, or you can set the humidity to 30 percent. Setting the humidity to 30 percent is typically appropriate for New Jersey winters. In the spring and summer, you can turn off the humidifier to prevent the air inside your home from becoming too humid, which can also cause problems in your home.

Benefits of Even Indoor Humidity

An even relative humidity level inside your home provides many benefits. These benefits include:

  • Lower heating bills: The more humid the air, the less heat you have to add to your home. Humid air feels three or four degrees warmer than dry air.
  • Easy breathing and fewer health problems: Dry air can cause unwanted health problems, such as scratchy throats and breathing difficulties. Even humidity will prevent these problems.
  • Extended life for furniture and other objects: Dry air can cause furniture to crack, paint to peel, and electronics to gather static electricity. Keeping the humidity level up inside your home will prevent these problems and extend the life of many objects inside your home.

For more information about how humidifiers can benefit your New Jersey home, contact us at Pipe Works Services. We provide year-round expert HVAC service and care and can help you choose a humidifier, install the unit and determine the best operation in your home for maximum comfort, energy savings, and health.

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