Whatever your vacation plans this winter, there are several steps to take before you go. Whether you’re visiting warmer climates for relief from our cold New Jersey winter or taking a short vacation to see family over the holidays, enjoy peace of mind by organizing things on the home front before you take off.


It’s not too late to schedule a professional furnace inspection. Besides the obvious advantages of making sure that your furnace is working correctly and safely, all the money you save on heating bills during winter can be put toward your summer vacation!

Thermostat Settings

The recommended temperature setting for an empty house during winter is 60 degrees F. This will ensure that your home is comfortable when you return from your vacation and that your heating system doesn’t use too much needless energy. Also, a reasonable core temperature of your building will help to prevent frozen pipes and mold growth.

Of course, it won’t matter where you set your thermostat if you have air leaks around your doors and windows and elsewhere in your home’s perimeter. Your HVAC contractor can advise you on what to do about them.

Water Heater

Certain water heaters have a “vacation” setting while others can be turned off altogether during your time away. As you don’t want to return to cold water, arrange for your house sitter or a friend to turn on the water heater the day before you get home.


So that it’s not obvious to potential housebreakers that your home is unoccupied, make the following part of your pre-departure plans:

  • Leave a key with a neighbor, together with a list of emergency contacts that includes your local HVAC contractor.
  • Set your outside and inside lights on timers, to go on and off at different times.
  • Stop mail deliveries or organize for someone to clear your mailbox each day.
  • Close the curtains of rooms that contain valuable electronic equipment.

The skilled staff at Pipe Works Services can help you with your winter vacation preparations by making sure that your HVAC system is in top condition. Contact us today to schedule a service check.

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